All Tenants with household pets will need to be pre-screened with separate applications per animal from “Pet”. Pets can be placed as an umbrella on your existing renters insurance or a new separate policy can be made. All pet owners must have liability insurance. We suggest $50-100K.

“The greatness of a Nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.

Mahatma Gandhi


All Tenants with household pets will need to be pre-screened with separate applications per animal from “Pet”. Pets can be placed as an umbrella on your existing renters insurance or a new separate policy can be made. All pet owners must have liability insurance. We suggest $50-100K.

“The greatness of a Nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.

Mahatma Gandhi

Rules, Rules, Rules……

Many insurance companies tend to “stray” away from holding policies containing dangerous pets, regardless of not having any past situations. California Flats LLC has its own additional company regulations. Remember, if an insurance company accepts your application, that does not mean Management allows the same.

Which Applications Cannot Be Accepted:

Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Huskies, Doberman Pinschers, Chow Chows, Bull Terriers, Bulldogs, Akitas, Mastiffs, Alaskan Malamutes and any Wolf hybrid. This is not only restricted to dog breeds and other pets such as snakes, spiders or birds will need to be considered on a case to case manor before applying.


Other Considerations:

Even if allowed, Tenant must also consider the size and weight regulations for a pet. Pets only 25 lbs. or smaller can be considered. No pets may be kept outdoors. Pets such as horses or farm animals can be considered if the zoning is designed for these animals. Proper facilities such as stalls or barns must be available.


Various Restrictions:

Any animal, even if accepted by screening, which shows unusual behavior, violent mannerisms, a disliking towards people or other animals, tends to bark regularly, has a naturally pungent odor or sheds significantly will also be reconsidered by Management.


About Pet

Household pets applications have a charge of $20-25 per applicant and $0 for assistance animals. All service animals will still need to apply for a screening.
Please be accurate and clear with all information being entered regarding your pet. Remember, keeping a pet on the premises is a revocable privilege by Management and not a right.


Pet Policy